All posts in poetry


next afternoon

this morning

last night


Madonna said, “Don’t treat me like I’m special,
I wouldn’t know what to do with it.”

but you loved her. and she loved you
and the whole world knew it

quietus spiritus (warning: drink just a little,)


Rumi’s Remarks On The Lovely And Dark And Deep Woods

In the tavern are many wines [writes poet Coleman Barks in ‘The Essential Rumi’], the wine of delight in colour and form and taste, the wine of the intellect’s agility, the fine port of stories, and the cabernet of soul singing. Being human means entering this place where entrancing varieties of desire are served. The grapeskin of ego breaks and a pouring begins. Fermentation is one of the oldest symbols of human transformation. When grapes combine their juice and are closed up together for a time in a dark place, the results are spectacular. This is what lets two drunks meet so that they don’t know who is who. Pronouns no longer apply in the tavern’s mud-world of excited confusion and half-articulated wantings.

But after some time in the tavern, a point comes, a memory of elsewhere, a longing Continue Reading →

like a chevy in quicksand

Momma never said, “I’m sorry, I’m the parent, but I’m just being baggage.” But her shame was always heavy, always had her head down. Momma said, “You’re the boy that resembled your features, Bo Bo you need a prayer… Come back home.”


There’s a sort of sanity that focuses on the wrong things.

I’m now focusing on the science that in order to build spaceships one must study fish, rather than on the notion that my intellectual addictions also stem from a deep loneliness—from my failure to connect with you outside of briefly. I’m digging new holes to avoid the old ones. LOL I’m digging new holes inside of the old ones.

I’m now bringing this literal conflagration unbearably close and focusing on hot wax dripping on the web of my dominant hand, rather than on how I bring it close to alleviate the more unbearable pain of such far-seeing in darkness. I’m focusing on how the human eye works. I’m focusing on how the human body works.

I’m realizing there is a great sanity that even greater sanity chooses to ignore. I’m talking to keep my mouth shut. *sigh* I’m talking to keep my mouth shut.

how we used to was

once in a while i chance forget
how we used to was

but you never fail to
forgot me not

trees play of limbs
rivers of stones
airs of dusts

humanity you are so angry
and i love you because

memories keep playing back
all the nights we used to love
how we used to was

on anger, on fear

only those who have
never experienced love
are free from anger